
RE: Override status

2001-02-28 11:44:30
Subject: RE: Override status
From: Stephen Elliott <selliott AT epicrealm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 10:44:30 -0600
Thanks for confirming the trap generation process. 

As regards to other MLM options, I really don't have any. Our data centers
are 100% Linux and the powers that be will not allow NT, period. We don't
have enough older equipment Sun or other to cover all the data centers with
Unix and we can't buy hardware anyway, so my hands are pretty well tied. The
poller script using fping is the low-cost winner in this situation. It
actually works out, tho. The local poller is for back-end servers only.
Front-end network devices will still be polled by NetView. The netmon queue
should be reduced by 75% and we'll have better coverage of servers as their
polling cycle now is 5 minutes. 

If (and that's a big IF) I can wrangle two or three boxes (Intel or SPARC)
out of them, I can build MLM's and locate them in the same site as the
NetView server to accomplish the same goal. Or maybe I can. Are MLM's still
limited to same segment only addresses? If the they are, then I'm still
stuck with a script.


Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: James_Shanks AT TIVOLI DOT COM [mailto:James_Shanks AT TIVOLI DOT COM]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 8:58 AM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Override status

I am not sure what you are actually asking.  Yes, it is netmon who
generates all those traps, Node Down, Node Marginal, Node Up, and so on.
And that is why you do not see them.  If you ant to see those, then your
script will have to generate those as well.

>From the sound of things, these interfaces and the nodes they are attached
to are already on the map.  How are you bypassing netmon from polling them?
Be aware that nothing you do with the 58916871 will affect what is in the
topology database, so if netmon is also monitoring those interfaces, he
will override your status when he sees the need.     While I don't want t
stifle your innovation, you should be aware also that what you are doing --
writing your own script to bypass netmon -- is not really supported.  The
purpose of the status trap was so that you could change the status of items
you put on the map which were not being monitored by netmon, such as
applications and other non-IP resources.

I'd like to see an MLM on Linux too, but I fail to see how that should
cause you to do this.  There are plenty of other MLMs, AIX, Solaris,
Digital, HP, and  NT, and they can run on the oldest, cheapest boxes you
can find.  Any box you can run Linux on, you can run NT.  I have seen an NT
MLM run on an old 486,  83 MHz box, which didn't have enough horsepower to
drive the full NetView for NT GUI.  Once it was running, the display was

James Shanks
Team Leader, Level 3 Support
 Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT

Stephen Elliott <selliott AT epicrealm DOT com>@tkg.com on 02/28/2001 09:34:04 

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>

Sent by:  owner-nv-l AT tkg DOT com

To:   "'nv-l AT tkg DOT com'" <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
Subject:  [NV-L] Override status

Hello, All.

NV 6.0.1 on Solaris 2.6.

A question for James Shanks or Leslie Clark.

I have a task to write a status polling script that is to run in each of
data centers, thus off-loading status polling from NetView for these
interfaces. Netmon's polling queue is at it's limits and we can't do MLM's
as IBM has not developed a Linux MLM yet.

Down/Up notifications for interface status will be sent by the sript to
NetView via the 58916871 trap. So far, this works fine and the status of
interfaces in question get changed properly (the
nvevents.overrideCompundStatus is set to True as per your Override Status
document). Status is propagated upward for the Node as well, reflecting
Marginal or Critical based upon the submap propagation rules. The only fly
in the ointment so far is that there are no Node Down events being
and I'm assuming that this is because netmon typically generates these when
it detects that all interfaces in a given node are down. Since we're
effectively bypassing netmon for interface status on these devices, it
know when to gen a trap. Can you validate this for me? I'm hoping I've
missed something simple, otherwise I've got more code to write.


Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.

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