
Override status

2001-02-28 09:34:04
Subject: Override status
From: Stephen Elliott <selliott AT epicrealm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 08:34:04 -0600
Hello, All.

NV 6.0.1 on Solaris 2.6.

A question for James Shanks or Leslie Clark.

I have a task to write a status polling script that is to run in each of our
data centers, thus off-loading status polling from NetView for these
interfaces. Netmon's polling queue is at it's limits and we can't do MLM's
as IBM has not developed a Linux MLM yet. 

Down/Up notifications for interface status will be sent by the sript to
NetView via the 58916871 trap. So far, this works fine and the status of the
interfaces in question get changed properly (the
nvevents.overrideCompundStatus is set to True as per your Override Status
document). Status is propagated upward for the Node as well, reflecting
Marginal or Critical based upon the submap propagation rules. The only fly
in the ointment so far is that there are no Node Down events being generated
and I'm assuming that this is because netmon typically generates these when
it detects that all interfaces in a given node are down. Since we're
effectively bypassing netmon for interface status on these devices, it won't
know when to gen a trap. Can you validate this for me? I'm hoping I've
missed something simple, otherwise I've got more code to write.


Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.

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