Re: archive to tape ???

2004-03-02 15:51:51
Subject: Re: archive to tape ???
From: Michael D Schleif <mds AT HELICES DOT ORG>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 14:35:50 -0600
Could `backup set' facilitate my client's goals?

* On 2004:03:01:21:05:26-0600 I, Michael D Schleif <mds AT helices DOT org>, 
> My client has an existing TSM setup that is quite different from the
> textbook examples ;>
> They are running TSM v5.1.5.4 on Windows 2000, and also have DRM.
> Currently, they are keeping seven (7) versions for 150 days, and the
> backups are going to a 6TB array.  That's right -- currently, there is
> *no* tape involved.
> In January, they bought an Overland LoaderXpress LTO-2 system, including
> one (1) magazine with eleven (11) slots.  Can anybody comment on any
> gotchas using this device with TSM?
> The client says that they want to copy daily to tape only the most
> recent version of files that have changed since previous day.
> They will accept copy daily to tape all most recent file versions.
> Each morning, those tapes last written will be taken offsite, and tapes
> from seven (7) days ago brought back onsite and available.
> Furthermore, there are two (2) offsite locations, one for Windows
> platforms, and one for *NIX platforms.

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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