Re: archive to tape ???

2004-03-02 10:01:32
Subject: Re: archive to tape ???
From: Michael D Schleif <mds AT HELICES DOT ORG>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:45:17 -0600
* Steve Harris <Steve_Harris AT HEALTH.QLD.GOV DOT AU> 
[2004:03:02:16:18:51+1000] scribed:
> Weird requirement.


> Not something that I'd recommend. And I don't see the logic for having
> only part of the data, but, its an intellectual challenge as to how
> this can be done.

Their design is a bit more complex than I originally posted.  They have
a second data center (DC), and there, a second TSM using a second disk array.
TSM#1 in the main DC#1 is supposed to replicate itself in TSM#2 at DC#2.
DC#2 is supposed to house failover servers for all critical servers at
DC#1.  In the event of catastrophic failure at DC#1, TSM#2 (and DRM#2?)
are supposed to recover to these failover servers at DC#2, and all will
be back online in a few hours.  I am not yet privy to the reality of
this setup, and I do not believe that this is fully functional as I
write this; but, that is their idea.

Also, they have already spent alot of money, and a parade of consultants
precede me.  They need to minimize cost to whatever they do that they
are not already doing.  I hope to demonstrate my value by implementing
a sound, and simple, and inexpensive tape solution -- then, I may have
opportunity to get them to question their overall strategy.

> Try this
> Set up a random diskpool big enough to hold one nights backup.  Point backup 
> at this. 
> Set up a  main  sequential file diskpool. Make this the nextstg of the 
> nightly pool with manually controlled migration between the two.
> Each day, run a backup stg from the nightly pool to the tape pool and send 
> the tapes off site.  Then migrate the nightly pool  to the main pool.
> Script a tape return process keyed on the state and update date of the 
> drmedia table.
> When the tapes come back, run a delete vol discardd=yes on them.
<snip />

OK.  Thank you, for your ideas.

But, what about my idea to _archive_ from the disk array to tape?  Is
that not doable?  What are the flaws in this idea?  Comments?

> >>> mds AT HELICES DOT ORG 02/03/2004 13:05:26 >>>
<snip />

> The client says that they want to copy daily to tape only the most
> recent version of files that have changed since previous day.
> They will accept copy daily to tape all most recent file versions.
> Each morning, those tapes last written will be taken offsite, and tapes
> from seven (7) days ago brought back onsite and available.
> Furthermore, there are two (2) offsite locations, one for Windows
> platforms, and one for *NIX platforms.
> I am thinking that this can be accomplished by _archiving_ from the
> arrays to tape.  I am not clear how to specify policy.  Any ideas?
<snip />

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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