
RE: [NV-L] Netview Training

2008-06-16 08:06:59
Subject: RE: [NV-L] Netview Training
From: "Sean Lawrence" <Sean.Lawrence AT cantire DOT com>
To: "Tivoli NetView Discussions" <nv-l AT lists.ca.ibm DOT com>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:01:10 -0400

I would be interested.


From: nv-l-bounces AT lists.ca.ibm DOT com [mailto:nv-l-bounces AT lists.ca.ibm DOT com] On Behalf Of mani
Sent: June 13, 2008 12:48 PM
To: Tivoli NetView Discussions
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Netview Training


I'd like to attend the UNIX course





On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Jane Curry <jane.curry AT skills-1st.co DOT uk> wrote:

Hi Larry,
The material is still around but it is getting to be pretty old.  I did a 1-company course this year but it's probably 18 months since I have been asked to teach a public course.

One thing IBM has developed over the last 12 months is Instructor Led Online (ILO) techniques.  Everyone stays at home (provided you have broadband) and we do presentations using Centra and labs using either Remote Desktop or Citrix.  I've done a couple of ITM classes this way and was agreeably surprised how well they worked.

I suspect no geography has enough students to run a cost-effective face-to-face NetView class but perhaps there would be enough interest to run an ILO class??

Anyone interested, please respond here.  Also, whether you would prefer the Windows or the Unix flavour.  If there are enough interested, I will see if I can get IBM to run it.


Larry Fagan wrote:

Is NetView Training for Unix/Windows been retired. I don't see that in IBM Training site except for Z os.. ?


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