
Re: [NV-L] Sort an event by message field

2008-06-03 10:42:15
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Sort an event by message field
From: James Shanks <jshanks AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: Tivoli NetView Discussions <nv-l AT lists.ca.ibm DOT com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 10:42:07 -0400
Basically, there is no easy way.   Your options are quite limited here.
Trapd differentiates traps based on specific id, and sending nodes, not by
varbind contents.  You only get one format per specific id and list of
nodes sending the trap. The only way to do something like you propose that
I can see requires quite a bit of user programming.

You'd have to create a ruleset which intercepts this trap and issues it's
own instead,  as a script from an action node, using snmptrap.  The script
would use a different specific trap number based upon the value of varbind
$2.  You would then configure trapd.conf to use different formats and
different severities based on these new specific ids, while at the same
time suppressing  the original trap by setting it to "Don't Log or Display
(Ignore).  Then you would have to run this ruleset in the background by
editing /usr/OV/conf/ESE.automation and adding it there.

If you like, you can open a problem to IBM support and ask the Level 2
folks to help you do that.  It's pretty daunting if you haven't done
anything like it before.

James Shanks
Level 3 Support  for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Network Availability Management
Network Management - Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Corp

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