
Re: Fw: [NV-L] Linux Suse SNMP agent issue

2007-10-19 10:39:48
Subject: Re: Fw: [NV-L] Linux Suse SNMP agent issue
From: Stephen Hochstetler <shochste AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: Tivoli NetView Discussions <nv-l AT d25lcore003.mkm.can.ibm DOT com>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:04:20 -0500


Since your issue is a bit unusual, I am wondering if the root cause is a bit unusual. Could you somehow have two different SNMP agents running on that same box ? If so they would both respond to NetView and the second one generate that duplicate IP address error. Just a crazy thought.

Stephen Hochstetler shochste AT us.ibm DOT com
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