
RE: [nv-l] NT and nonsnmp

2006-05-15 16:28:48
Subject: RE: [nv-l] NT and nonsnmp
From: "Evans, Bill" <Bill.Evans AT hq.doe DOT gov>
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:27:57 -0400
I think your answer is a seed file. Almost everything you need to know
is in the prolog of the /usr/OV/conf/netmon.seed file.   

To ignore the 52 devices put their names or IP addresses in an entry and
preceed it with "!".  Then delete it from the NetView database.  The
"bang" will prevent it's rediscovery.  You can also use ranges and

To monitor with ICMP only don't supply a community string which works
but add them to the seed file.  If NV can't use SNMP when they are
discovered it should default to ICMP monitoring.   

Getting SNMP to work with devices properly defined should be no problem.
The community name must agree with what you have in the OVSNMP.CONF file
and it should work.  In today's world we keep running into firewalls
which block port 161 and interfere with SNMP so check that out.  Glen's
note addressed a variation of such protection.  

Bill Evans

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com [mailto:owner-nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT 
On Behalf Of Catalina Martinez
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 3:10 PM
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Subject: [nv-l] NT and nonsnmp

Hello List,


AIX 5.2 ML6 , Netview 7.1.4 FP4


I am trying to reduce the number of nonsnmp devices. I created a
smartset and have placed all nonsnmp devices in it. I've contacted the
owners of the devices have reduced the number; slightly-- from 74 to 52,
we are getting there.


Several of these non-snmp devices are NT servers. The NT Admin have
enabled snmp, we are using the same community string but Netview still
can not do an snmpwalk or get, etc. Has anyone run into this? If so, how
do I fix it.


These are old servers and we may be replacing them within the next 18
months. So, should I try fixing them or just let them be. I would rather
fix them but not sure what the problem is. We are talking about 10 NT


If we let them stay as nonsnmp, how can I get Netview just to do a
presence monitoring and not any snmp status..We would just care to know
if its up or down...




Catalina M.

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