
Re: [nv-l] Upgrade OS and NetView Questions

2004-05-18 15:03:01
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Upgrade OS and NetView Questions
From: Jane Curry <jane.curry AT skills-1st.co DOT uk>
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 19:47:58 +0100
Watch out when you go from NetView 7.1.3 -> 4. There are a bunch of snmpCollect entries that get activated by default and you could suddenly end up with much more data polling than you expect, along with a huge snmpCollect database.

Other gotcha is that there is an extra AIX pre-req needed for NetView 7.1.x when you go to AIX 5.x - you need X11.compat (X11R5) package installed.

Also with NV 7.1.4 make sure that ulimit -n is NOT unlimited - set to 32767.

Problems if you want to install MLMs on AIX 5.x - see recent nv-l append (easy fix).


Bursik, Scott {PBSG} wrote:


I am currently running NetView 7.1.3 on AIX 4.3.3. I want to do the

1. Update the OS from AIC 4.3.3 to AIX 5.2
2. Update NetView from 7.1.3 to 7.1.4
3. Apply 7.1.4 SP1

Have any of you experienced any gotchas during these steps? I know that the
SNMP agent on AIX 5.2 is SNMPv3 by default. I am assuming that I will need
to convert the SNMP agent back to V1 with the snmpv3_ssw -1 command.

Is this order the best way to do it or would another order of the steps be
better. I am going to do this in a phased approach to make sure that none of
process break along the way.

Thank you,

Scott Bursik

Tivoli Certified Consultant & Instructor
Skills 1st Limited, 2 Cedar Chase, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0EU, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565
Copyright (c) 2004 Jane Curry <jane.curry AT skills-1st.co DOT uk>.  All rights 

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