
Re: failing SNMP status polls

2001-10-18 15:09:55
Subject: Re: failing SNMP status polls
From: "Joseph R Smith" <jrsmith AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:09:55 -0400
I don't think recycling netmon is the same as xnmsnmpconf -clearCache. I
just had two more instances of failing SNMP status polling. xnmsnmpconf
-resolve <hostname> showed the correct IP address, but nmdemandpoll used
the wrong one. I tried xnmsnmpconf -clearCache before nmdemandpoll, but it
didn't clear the problem. Recycling netmon did the trick.

As for ipignoreredirects, if AIX were receiving any redirects a new route
would probably be added to the routing table, but I don't see any learned
routes in the output of netstat -r.

I'm going to take a closer look at the APAR referenced by Scott Barr.

Joseph R. Smith - CCDA, CCNA, MCP, MCSE
Tivoli Certified Enterprise Consultant - V3.6
I/T Architect - Systems Integration - Consulting
IBM Global Services - SDC Northeast
1630 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14626
Phone 716 723 4957 Tie Line 451 4957

                    "Leslie Clark"                                              
                    <lclark AT us DOT ibm       To:     IBM NetView Discussion 
<nv-l AT tkg DOT com>     
                    .com>                cc:                                    
                                         Subject:     Re: [NV-L] failing SNMP 
status polls 
                    11:55 PM                                                    
                    Please respond                                              
                    to IBM NetView                                              

Hmm... I can understand the problem clearing when you restart netmon. That
would probably be the equivalent of doing an xnmsnmpconf -clearCache.
So might that have something to do with redirects? If the Netview is on
you might check the value of 'no -a | grep ipignoreredirects'. If it is 0,
setting it to 1. When the problem occurs, does the ip address listed in
'xnmsnmpconf -resolve <selection name>' change from the good address
to the bad address? I don't know what any of this means, it is just my
voodoo approach to problem determination.....


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

                    Joseph R

                    Smith/Rochester       To:     nv-l AT tkg DOT com

                    /IBM@IBMUS            cc:     scott_barr AT csgsystems DOT 

                    Sent by:              Subject:     [NV-L] failing SNMP
status polls


                    10/16/01 10:32


                    Please respond

                    to IBM NetView


"Barr, Scot" wrote:

> Our problems with NETMON included failing SNMP status polls (they were
> sent to the wrong interface), AUTHENTICATION FAILURES (NETMON sending out
> wrong community strings) and CORES (due to discovery of "goofy" devices.
> But, I can safely say, WE ARE FIXED!

I would like to know how you resolved the failing SNMP status poll issue. I
am monitoring a hosting environment in which most servers have more than
one address, but the NetView server only has routes and (filter) permission
to specific interfaces. I am using SNMP status polling and I am not using
DNS for name resolution. Instead, I place a single hostname entry for the
accessible address in /etc/hosts. NetView discovers and polls most hosts
correctly. Occasionally, and only for certain servers, NetView starts using
one of the unreachable addresses for SNMP status polling. If I recycle
netmon, NetView starts using the correct address again. I have been unable
to determine the circumstances under which the change takes place.

Joseph R. Smith - CCDA, CCNA, MCP, MCSE
Tivoli Certified Enterprise Consultant - V3.6
I/T Architect - Systems Integration - Consulting
IBM Global Services - SDC Northeast
1630 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14626
Phone 716 723 4957 Tie Line 451 4957

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