
Unbridled Netmon

2001-02-23 11:23:27
Subject: Unbridled Netmon
From: "Scherting, Mark" <mscherting AT state.mt DOT us>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 09:23:27 -0700
Hi All,

I'm hoping someone here can confirm or refute my suspicions regarding the
cause of the following symptom(s) in my AIX 4.3.3, NV6.0.1 environment.

Recently my Netmon took off on an unbridled (sans seedfile) voyage to
discover the world, earning me the new title of "Christopher Columbus",
apparently choking our DNSs and firewall in the process, and discovering way
too much undesirable stuff.

I believe I had stopped Netmon and absentmindedly left it down.  A collegue
noticed Netmon wasn't running and restarted it after becoming root with
"su", not "su -".  Root's .profile sources the Tivoli environment, as does
this user's .profile.  I suspect that "su" didn't get the Tivoli environment
set, thus netmon didn't know to use the seedfile and was able to run wild.

Are my suspicions correct or even on track?

BTW, after reigning in Netmon I cleaned up the mess by restoring a recent
tarball of /usr/OV/databases.  Stuff DOES happen.

Thanks in advance.

Mark A. Scherting 
State of Montana 
Information Services Division 
(406) 444-0117 

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