
Re: Netview OVW disconnects

2001-02-23 01:55:45
Subject: Re: Netview OVW disconnects
From: W.M.de.Bruin AT DNB DOT NL
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:55:45 +0100

I have exactly the same problem. When I use Locate by Attribute, and select
one of the Attributes, the bottom portion of the window expands with
nothing in it.
This is where you are supposed to be able to enter an IP-adress or other
I have to close and open the window several times before I get it right.
Funny thing is, this is the only place where I have this kind of problem.

I use Exceed 6.0.1 (Windows NT)    NetView 6.0.1   (Coincidence?)
and AIX 4.3.

Wouter de Bruin
Network Management Consultant

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