
RE: Pull PhysAddress

2001-02-13 16:09:01
Subject: RE: Pull PhysAddress
From: Dean Sullinger <DSullinger AT dot.state.az DOT us>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 14:09:01 -0700
It's to bad the Locate command can't be used from command line... it's quick
and efficient.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyles, Gary P [mailto:gary.p.boyles AT intel DOT com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 8:28 AM
To: 'IBM NetView Discussion'
Subject: RE: [NV-L] Pull PhysAddress

On NetView NT there is an example in /usr/OV/databases/templates called
"interfaces.format" (for nvdbformat use).  I assume the same example is
probably on UNIX.

Gary Boyles, Intel

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Clark [mailto:lclark AT us.ibm DOT com]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 9:41 PM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Pull PhysAddress

Interface cards have a field 'SNMP ifPhysAddr that contains the mac. And
the Selection Name of an interface is the Selection Name of the Node and
the label of the interface, separated by a colon, sometimes with some extra
stuff to make it unique. So you could define a SmartSet that could identify
macs (eg using the ~ operator, meaning LIKE). And the nvUtil command
could evaluate such a rule at the commandline or in a script. The other
way would be the nvdbformat command, where you could either look
for interfaces with certain macs, or you could look for nodes where the
TopM Interface List contained a certain string.

Neither of these is going to be very efficient, however. I would consider
for a batch-type job that generated a report or file that you might update
nightly and reference on the fly. But I would not want to burden the system
with something that did this repeatedly.

What are you thinking about when you say you would like to "setup a rule
that would look for a specific Physical Address showing up"?
Do you mean appear in the map, or do you mean look for it
in an event? I don't believe the mac shows up in Netview
events, except when they are changed.

On the subject of searching the database for a certain
mib value: The only mib values stored in the Netview database
are the fields from the system branch of the MIB II mgmt tree.
(SNMP sysDescr, sysLocation, sysContact, sysObjectID, and
And the sysName field is only stored for routers (and only
if you have unnumbered support turned on). Other values
you have to poll the devices to get, eg using snmpCollect.
You can search on the stored fields with Locate...Object..
by Attribute, and many fields of many kinds are offered,
including the stored SNMP fields. You can add your own
fields for mib data if you like, collect it yourself (snmpget)
and store it (nvdbimport), and search on it. Is any of this
what you are looking for? If not, please expound...


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

Dean Sullinger <DSullinger AT dot.state.az DOT us>@tkg.com on 02/12/2001 

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>

Sent by:  owner-nv-l AT tkg DOT com

To:   "'IBM NetView Discussion'" <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
Subject:  [NV-L] Pull PhysAddress

Could someone let me know how I could search the entire Netview database
a specific Physical Address?  It would be nice if I could setup a rule that
would look for a specific Physical Address showing up.

Also, someone had posted here how to search the database for a specific mib
valuse, could you give me an example?

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