
Re: Cisco 1720

2001-02-13 00:21:14
Subject: Re: Cisco 1720
From: "Leslie Clark" <lclark AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 00:21:14 -0500
Judy, you say that it is in the Collection, but it is not in the IP map.
If that is really true, then the problem may be that it got stuck in the
Collection, preventing rediscovery. On rediscovery it was supposed
to get the new attributes due to your oid_to_type and oid_to_sym
entries. (Getting the vendor field set is what gets it out of the
Unknown_SNMP Collection.  And those fields are ONLY set at
discovery time.) So make sure of a thorough deletion, and then
rediscover it  like this: (you only have one map, right? the Default?)

ovstop netmon
Select the node in the Collection
On the menu bar on top of the map (not the right-mouse context menu),
    Edit...Delete Object...From ALL Submaps
Wait for the deletion to show up in the events display
Locate...Object... By Selection Name
    Make sure no more occurrances of that node are found. If they are
     open those submaps and delete them.
ovtopofix  -a
Make sure the node is in the seedfile

The node should appear in the New Object Holding Area as a router.
Its object info should show vendor and agent fields set. It should not
be in the Unknown_SNMP Collection.

On the other hand, when you say it is not on the IP map, you may only
mean that it is not on the top level, where routers go. Does it appear
elsewhere (View...Protocols)? Is it generic in appearance (green
square? Let us know what happens.

Note, no vendor-proprietary mibs are required for Netview to draw
a router as far as I know. You may want them later for other things,


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

jstobby <jstobby AT co.el-dorado.ca DOT us>@tkg.com on 02/12/2001 04:39:02 PM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>

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To:   "nv-l AT tkg DOT com" <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
Subject:  [NV-L] Cisco 1720

Platform is 5.12 on Aix 4.2.  I hope to upgrade this system soon to
6.01, but I am  learning the system single handed, and it is taking
I was wondering if anyone could help with the following problem;

We have a cisco 1720, running OS 12.1(3)T. I cannot get it to be part of
my router collection, nor does it show up in the IP map. It is part of
the Unknown SNMP collection. The vendor is unset, but isrouter is True.

I have updated the oid_to_sym registration file with the following;
sysObject ID
symbol class : Connector
symbol type: Gateway

I also updated the oid_to_registration file with the following;
SNMP object id -
vendor name: cisco Systems
Agent type: Cisco 1720
Topology attribute flags: G(gateway)

Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.

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