
RE: Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring

2001-02-05 09:03:35
Subject: RE: Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring
From: BAUDOUX BERNARD <bernard.baudoux AT fortisbank DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:03:35 +0100

with the ruleset editor, you can define some processing to be done upon
receipt of a given trap or event.   I do this for node up/down/deleted (you
will find the Perl script below).   Everyday, another Perl scripts reads the
log file generated and publishes an http page with some statistics.   I also
process the 'deleted' event to stop counting down time without an 'up' event
in that case.
You can do somthing similar with the interfaces up/down.

the rulesets :

Event Stream (block) -> Trap Settings (58785795 / 58916864 / 8916865) ->
Action (call the script with 2 args : the nodename and the status)

the script:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# PrintNodeUpDownLog.pl
#   args :
#       1. node name
#       2. status of the node (UP / DOWN / DELETED)

$LogFile   = 'NetViewNodesUpDown.log';
$LogPath   = '/home/netadmin/log/';

$node      = $ARGV[0];
$status    = $ARGV[1];

$localtime = localtime();
$thismon   = substr($localtime,4,3);
$thisday   = substr($localtime,8,2);
$thistime  = substr($localtime,11,8);
$thisyear  = substr($localtime,20,4);
if (substr($thisday,0,1) eq ' ') { $thisday = '0' . substr($thisday,1,1) }

open (LOGFILE, ">> $LogPath$LogFile") or die ("Could not open $LogFile !");
print LOGFILE "$thisyear $thismon $thisday $thistime $node $status\n";
close LOGFILE;
exit 0;

As you can see the script is really trivial, but I hope it will help you,
Bernard Baudoux
Phone: +32 (0)2/565.24.68
e-mail : bernard.baudoux AT fortisbank DOT com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: danny AT uk.ibm DOT com [SMTP:danny AT uk.ibm DOT com]
> Sent: Monday, 05 February, 2001 09:37
> To:   nv-l AT tkg DOT com
> Subject:      [NV-L] Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring
> Hi All
> These are architectural questions rather than a techinical ones.
> 1. Have any of you have used NetView in anger as a tool to monitor the
> service levels being provided by a network provider? My initial thoughts
> are that one could correlate interface down & up traps/events to establish
> the amount of time a line was unavailable and then put this informaton in
> to a file for offline processing.
> 2. I know that NetView is capable of monitoring the throughput on network
> interfaces, but have any of you used NetView to pinpoint large data
> transfers and the associated bottlenecks?
> Any information that you guys (and gals) can provide on these items would
> be greatly appreciated.
> It may be that there are more appropriate tools for each of these
> functions
> - if so, please net me know.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> Danny Williams
> Tivoli & AIX Specialist
> IBM Global Services - Integrated Technology Services
> mailto:danny AT uk.ibm DOT com
> Tel: 665520 (01926-465520) -- MOBX: 275520 (07967-275520)