
Re: Problem with connection that disappears after maintenance

2000-01-20 22:48:43
Subject: Re: Problem with connection that disappears after maintenance
From: Leslie Clark <lclark AT US.IBM DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:48:43 -0500
Oh boy.

First, ovtopofix -a (I assume that is what you mean by maintenance, the db
tasks) is doing its job when it re-creates symbols that are missing. It is
the ones you have been deleting. When you delete 'from this submap' you are
doing something that should not be done as a general rule. The right thing
to do
is to delete it from ALL submaps and rediscover it.  Stop netmon, delete
the thing,
ovtopofix -a    (or -A if you have other maps besides 'default'), start
netmon, and
rediscover the node.

You need to find out why it is making more than one symbol for the router
on the
IP Internet level of the map. This is not normal, and rather than get
around it by
the deleting, you should solve it, because it may reflect some database
Check the Diagnostics manual. There are a couple of causes for double
especially at 5.1.2. The one I see most often is just plain bad name
Also, having more than one interface of a router represented in the
seedfile. You
may also be seeing repeated deletes and adds of interfaces and nodes in the
events display. For the routers that are acting like this, carefully verify
interfaces really belong to them, and verify the name resolution on those
both forward and backward. Errors or inconsistencies in name resolution
will cause
all sorts of discovery problems. Duplicate IP addresses will also cause you
problems. If netview is acting goofy, 90% of the time there is something
goofy in
your network, I always say.

Your cut and paste to force rediscovery of connections sort of works as it
is a lot
 like a rediscovery. If you are getting shadows, it is probably because you
and did a cut from ALL before the paste, so you got more than one symbol.
whole node should be thoruoughly deleted and rediscovered.

If I were you, I would seriously consider a rediscovery of the network. If
you have
been going on like this for a while, you probably have a bit of corruption
in the
database, and you can't count on the admin steps cleaning it all up. Or if
you have
an old backup of /usr/OV/databases/openview that has your current cut and
job in it, that might help. But do look into the cause. Try the 'rnetstat
-I <hostname>'
command to see which addresses really belong to a node.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on
01/20/2000 10:15 PM ---------------------------

"Brunnberg, Karl" <kabru AT WMDATA DOT COM>@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU> on 01/20/2000
11:36:26 AM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on

Sent by:  Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView

Subject:  Problem with connection that disappears after maintenance

Hi, I'm having problem with connections that is disappearing from the
Netview map after doing maintenance.
The problem is that after mainteance, 100-200 routers is rediscovered (you
got two routersymbols for the same router and when you click on one it
the same information as if you clicked the other one).
This is nothing new, the rediscovering of routers I mean (although it's
usually two or three routers) and the solution we use to cure this, is to
delete the rediscovered router from the submap (Edit -> Delete Object ->
>From this Submap). It's just submaps on the first view, where a new object
is placed soo this have worked well this far. But this time it didn't
as it usually did. When I'm deleting the routers the connections to the
original router is disappearing. The network symbol linked to the routers
still left but the link between the router and the network symbol
Trying a "Demand Poll" on the router dosen't cure it. But if your using
"Edit -> Cut -> Cut from this Submap" and then "Edit -> Paste" it could go
either way of this two:
1 It recovers it's old connection (good)
or (the more likely of them)
2 it gets a shadow beneath it (not good)

Does anyone have any experience of this problem ?
Is it maybe some errors/misunderstanding in the handling of netview from my
side (God forbid :) ) ?

A few pointers should be very appreciated.

The procedure we use at maintenance:
1. close all GUI
2. ovmapcount -uv
3. ovstop netmon
4. ovtopofix -a
5. ovstop ovtopmd
6. ovtopofix -Cv
7. ovstop

Using AIX and Netview 5.1.2 and is discovering routers with help of

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