
Trap #58982401 - MismtchLLAddr - Node Configuration

1999-08-30 00:00:09
Subject: Trap #58982401 - MismtchLLAddr - Node Configuration
From: Leslie Clark <lclark AT US.IBM DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 00:00:09 -0400

Could this be a DHCP environment? Or could some other device have taken
the IP address of the device you turned off?  I think this trap is saying that
during a configuration poll, netmon found that this IP address is associated
with a different adapter  than it was last time.  If the node is powered on,
then it always has the right address. If it is powered off, then netmon must be
talking to something else with that same IP address, but different box and
different mac. If it is DHCP, with Netview for NT you have to tell it in the
what range of addresses are DHCP so it won't be confused by the coming
and going. If you are getting that trap, then you ought to be able to ping that
address that NODENAME resolves to, and it should surprise you since you
say the device is down. Have you tried pinging it? Don't be fooled by the
NODENAME, netmon is working by address and than resolving the address
for the message text. So check all of the addresses that resolve to that name.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

[ NetView for NT ]

Reference: Trap #58982401 - MismtchLLAddr - Node Configuration

I'm having this particular trap a lot on my network.  I need to know why it
occurs only when the device (object) is powered off.  The description makes
no sense because the device (object) is off-line/powered off.  The trap is
received long after the device has been powered off and gone down.

NETVIEWSERVER is my NT server running NetView and NAMEDNODE just
used to illustrate a node's netbios name.

The trap description is:
NETVIEWSERVER reported different Link Address than obtained from NAMEDNODE
by SNMP.

The enterprise is NetView, the source is Netmon-Related, the severity is
and the Category is Node Configuration.

It happens with nodes set to either communities:'public' and/or 'private' .

Another strange thing is the time between these particular traps.  It varies
from 20 and 30 minutes on occasion,
to 60 minutes on others.

If all nodes are powered on, then this trap never happens and all is well.



[ NetView for NT ]
Reference: Trap #58982401 - MismtchLLAddr - Node Configuration
I'm having this particular trap a lot on my network.  I need to know why it
occurs only when the device (object) is powered off.  The description makes
no sense because the device (object) is off-line/powered off.  The trap is
received long after the device has been powered off and gone down.
NETVIEWSERVER is my NT server running NetView and NAMEDNODE just
used to illustrate a node's netbios name.
The trap description is:
NETVIEWSERVER reported different Link Address than obtained from NAMEDNODE
by SNMP.
The enterprise is NetView, the source is Netmon-Related, the severity is Warning,
and the Category is Node Configuration.
It happens with nodes set to either communities:'public' and/or 'private' .
Another strange thing is the time between these particular traps.  It varies from 20 and 30 minutes on occasion,
to 60 minutes on others.
If all nodes are powered on, then this trap never happens and all is well.
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