
Re: RES: ping response

1999-08-26 10:24:53
Subject: Re: RES: ping response
From: Leslie Clark <lclark AT US.IBM DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:24:53 -0400
Marcos, this sounds reasonable to me, but I'm a software person. If this
is what is going on, what should we be doing in Netview to make them come
back as quickly as possible?  Status polling is just doing a ping, which is
apparently not enough. Force a new-node discovery poll? Is this related
to the setting on the server's interface card regarding broadcast? I have
recently been instructed by Support to make sure the Token Ring card
has the 'confine broadcast to local token-ring' to 'no'.  I have not checked
that at the customer I mentioned in my other note who was having a
similar problem.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking


This problems happens because when you4ve unpluged this port the entry in
the switch ARP-table and Netview ARP-table were refreshed (possible
deleted). Netview wasn4t able to translate IP to MAC and consequently wasn4t
able to find the machine.
When someone ping through another machine at the same segment, it4s
generated a ARP broadcast to discovery the MAC, in that moment the switch
and Netview make a new entry in your ARP-table. After that they are able to
send any IP-packet to this machine.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Frantsen Christian [mailto:cf AT INTERNOC DOT SE]
Enviada em: Quarta-feira, 25 de Agosto de 1999 06:26
Assunto: ping response

I noticed something strange the other day when trying some things in our

I unplugged a switch by removing the TP-cord and I got a node down in
netview (obviously =))
then I put the cord back in and I couldn't ping the switch from the netview
map, there was no response,
I got response from it if I pinged it from a machine right next to me, I
tried again from netview, no response then I made a ping from the
commandline on the netview-machine. Now i got a
response and after that it worked from the map again.

Anyone got some feedback on this?

Christian Frantsen
Technical Operations

Internoc Scandinavia AB
Tel: +46-36-194843
Fax: +46-36-194651

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