
Re: Cisco ip unnumbered interfaces

1999-08-02 22:23:23
Subject: Re: Cisco ip unnumbered interfaces
From: Leslie Clark <lclark AT US.IBM DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 22:23:23 -0400
Clarification: If the ifType is loopback, then Netview generally ignores it.
The exception is made via the option on Netmon to discover loopbacks.
Use this for the case when you are using Ciscos (any maybe others) that
let you configure addresses other than on a loopback interface.
I believe it will also discover loopbacks without this option enabled if
you forcibly discover devices by their loopback addresses (obviously
not by putting them in the seedfile. At least it used to, before that
option was added.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

I believe that on AIX the loopback ipaddr is always and that NetView
expects this as the loopback.  Any other ipaddr causes NetView to think its a
valid interface.

kgarst AT giantofmaryland DOT com

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