
Henry PAN's Business Trip Away

1999-06-22 05:43:23
Subject: Henry PAN's Business Trip Away
From: henry pan <henry AT PUBLIC3.BTA.NET DOT CN>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 17:43:23 +0800
Dear All,
I'll take a business trip out of town tomorrow & should be back on coming Tuesday.
If anything urgent, I'd be reached at (86) 138 109 5583.
Thanks for your attention,
Best Regards
Henry PAN
Director, G.M.
Beijing Imvec Computer Systems Co., Ltd.
Suite 308 SciTech Tower 22 Jian Wai St.
Beijing 100004 China
Tel. : (8610) 6522 7594/7
Fax :  (8610) 6522 7598
Email: henrypan AT canada DOT com
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