
Re: Loading a MIB takes excessive machine resources

1999-06-21 15:18:53
Subject: Re: Loading a MIB takes excessive machine resources
From: Chris Cowan <chris.cowan AT 2ND-WAVE DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:18:53 -0700
James Shanks wrote:
> Well, Chris, you cannot see it but there are dozens of error messages in 
> xnmloadmib and xnmloadmib2 but they will never see
> the light of day if the code loops trying to read your database.  A loop is a 
> loop is a loop, and by definition if you could
> break out of it, you wouldn't be looping.  That's what I fixed (or at least 
> tried to) in the fix I referred to.  So unless
> you get the latest level and re-create your hosed database, we will never 
> know if my latest attempt to keep this from
> happening was successful or not.  That is why I advised you to get it.
> I think parsers that loop and don't give you messages are bad too
> James Shanks
> Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

For the record, I updated to NV 5.1.1.  I do not have any 5.1.1 patches,
although I asked several times if there were in fact any.  (Still
wishing that they were consolidated with the rest of the Tivoli code at
ftp.tivoli.com!!!)   5.1.1 was just as terse as 5.1.

The Customer Support guy and I became suspicious because he was able to
load it on 5.0 and 5.1.1.  And I had problems with both 5.1 and 5.1.1.
I may still have the hosed DB, and could restore it for testing.   Is
there in fact, a fix to 5.1.1 or are you talking about 5.1.1

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Description: Card for Chris Cowan