
Netview Framework Patch...

1999-06-04 13:06:10
Subject: Netview Framework Patch...
From: Gord Michaels <gord_michaels AT HOTMAIL DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:06:10 PDT
Hello All.

I am going to migrate my Netview V4.1 Server and 6 clients to Tivoli Netview

I will have my TMR Server (Framework) as a separate machine. My question is
this, since my Netview Server and all 6 Clients will have to become managed
nodes (i.e. receive a copy of the Framework), do I have to install the
Netview Framework Patch (located on the Netview CD) on each of them. I know
I will have to install it on the TMR Sevver, but what about the others (i.e.
server and six clients)??

Any info appreciated.


Gord Michaels.

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