
Re: NetView Clients and X sessions

1999-06-03 12:46:47
Subject: Re: NetView Clients and X sessions
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 12:46:47 -0400
We sized our production NetView 5.1.1 server (RISC model 570, AIX 4.2.1) with
1Gb of memory in order to have a maximum of 20 NetView GUI sessions open (since
the documentation says that every NetView GUI session requires 32Mb of RAM.)

However, I have set up a highly-available NetView server/TMR server/RIM host
(RISC 390, AIX 4.3.2) having 256Mb RAM and a NetView client (AIX 4.2.1) with
128Mb RAM.  It appears that with 2 GUI sessions running, one on the server and
the other on the client, and the nvwebserver also running that the server is not
performance bound nor i/o bound even though the maps are maintained on the
server and NFS-mounted to the client.  (Of course the NetView server has been
tuned for best TCP/IP performance via-a-vis udp, not tcp.)

After testing is complete, the production RISC model 570 will be turned into a
NetView client.

kgarst AT giantofmaryland DOT com

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