
Re: I/O impact on interprocess communication

1999-06-01 09:02:58
Subject: Re: I/O impact on interprocess communication
From: James Shanks <James_Shanks AT TIVOLI DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 09:02:58 -0400
There is no native way in AIX to determine which process actually owns a
port.  You could however obtain lsof from off the web and it will tell you.

The only thing I have seen in this regard is a bad ruleset in
ESE.automation.  Not using that?  They you'll have to call Support I think.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

Simon Long <slong AT NETTRACK.COM DOT AU> on 05/31/99 06:21:00 PM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on

cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  I/O impact on interprocess communication


I have observed a problem with processes hanging ( ie. GUI halting, or GUI
unable to
shutdown - ie. just sitting there ) when a very high and sustained I/O
overhead is applied
to the system.

The platform: H50 running AIX 4.3.2
Framework : V3R6
Netview : V5R1

When I look at the "netstat -na" output at these times I see a slowly
incrementing send-q
figure for a certain Netview port ( but not listed in  the release notes

Has anyone seen this sort of problem. If so - is there some tuning that can
be performed to
make the Netview GUI more resilient?

Also I can't remember the procedure for determining what is the owner of
the port - I know it's
part of Netview but I want to be able to describe the problem more clearly.


Simon Long
Nettrack Technical Solutions Pty Ltd

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