
Re: Map icon colors

1999-03-15 17:40:25
Subject: Re: Map icon colors
From: James Shanks <James_Shanks AT TIVOLI DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 17:40:25 -0500
Well, rats, John.  Don't know how I managed to overlook the fact that you
cannot edit the actual status field.  My error.

There is a way you could set the status on that router without writing an
app, though it would be messy.  But people do it all the time.

In addition to writing your own application, you could use the status
change trap, 58916871, to change the status of that router temporarily.
You could just write a script to issue that trap with the required router
hostname.  But, since the object you want to change the status of has a
source of Compound Propagated,  that would require that you set the
override compound status flag to True in the Nvevents app-defaults file.
That would let nvevents change the source to Symbol and override it when
you issue the trap, provided you have an events window up connected to the
read-write map.  And even after all of that, you'd still need to change it
back to a status source of Compound Propagated by hand when you were ready
to go again.  So writing an app would be lots cleaner if you have the time
and talent.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

Jon Needes <jon.needes AT ATS.UK.EDS DOT COM> on 03/15/99 08:32:55 AM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on

cc:    (bcc: James Shanks)
Subject:  Re: Map icon colors

James Shanks wrote:

> You do not need an application to do this.  On the read-writ map, you
> simply right-click on the map icon, select Edit --> Modify/Describe -->
> Symbol and you can change both the status source and the status to be
> you want.  But you will have to change them back again yourself (it is
> to forget) and you will have to demand poll the router to get the proper
> status back.
> <soapbox on>
> Personally I worry a lot about organizations where the help desk doesn't
> know that a router is down for maintenance.  What do they tell a user who
> calls in -- It looks OK to me?  In my humble opinion they should know
> ones are down.  Once they have made certain that the down status is OK,
> they can always acknowledge it.  I was a customer for 8 years before I
> to work for IBM/Tivoli and it was part of my job then to make sure the
> desk knew what was going on.
> <soapbox off>
> James Shanks
> Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support
> Jon Needes <jon.needes AT ATS.UK.EDS DOT COM> on 03/15/99 05:56:48 AM
> Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
> cc:    (bcc: James Shanks)
> Subject:  Re: Map icon cololrs
> Regina King wrote:
> > I would like to know if there is a way to change the color of a router
> manually.  What I have in mind is to chnage the color of the router to
> Admin Down when we have a scheduled maintenance or upgrade to a router,
> turning pink rather than red so our help desk does not think the router
> a network failure.  Is this possible?
> The best solution might be to unmanage the router while it is under
> maintenance so that NetView ignores it. If you do not like the colour
> associated with an unmanaged device you can change the appropriate
> in OVw. The ways of doing this have been discussed recently.
> An alternative would be a write a simple application to change the state
> the router to User1 ('good' state) or User2 ('bad' state). You would also
> have to change the Status Source from Compound (Propagated) so that the
> state change will be reflected in your display. I think you should be
> to do this within your
> application, but I have not tried it. Again you might want to change the
> colour representing the user state.
> Jon Needes
> EDS, Hook, UK


I have tried what you have suggested, but the Status field is a Read-only
field, which is what I was assuming, which is why I thought an application
needed. I know an application will work as I have done it.  If there is
another way of changing the symbol status could you clarify please.

Returning to the original problem, Acknowledging via the Options menu, is
obvious solution that I should have included in the first place, and the
representative colour can be changed if dark green is not suitable. A
in OVw allows you to specify whether the Unacknowledge is done manually or
automatically when the router comes back up.

If the router is likely to keep going up and down during maintenance then
Unmanage soultion may be better if you do not want to see lots of events,
I have not tried this and there may be pitfalls I am unaware of.

Jon Needes
EDS, Hook, UK

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