
Help me out to discover a new printer!!!!

1999-03-15 14:19:00
Subject: Help me out to discover a new printer!!!!
From: "Sharma, Sanjeev" <Sanjeev.Sharma AT USA.XEROX DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:19:00 -0500
Hi to all
i have one printer and i want to show in the "Printers" smartset. What
should i do for it. I tried to add the IP address of that printer in the
netmon.seed file and select the option "Discover Seed Nodes only".
When  i go to nv.log file it show me that WARNING: endSnmpOperation:
interface with invalid mask; not adding to topology.
please help me out.
