
Re: .Xdefaults file

1999-03-11 10:10:12
Subject: Re: .Xdefaults file
From: Jon Needes <jon.needes AT ATS.UK.EDS DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:10:12 +0000
"Redding, Jennifer" wrote:

> I am trying to change the default settings for the GUI.  I edited the
> .Xdefaults
> file in my $HOME directory.  I ran "xrdb -merge .Xdefaults" command and
> restarted NetView.  But I don't see any changes!
> They should be obvious.  For example, I changed the variable
> "displayCopyRightWindow" so that annoying CopyRight window doesn't
> appear.
> Any advice?
> Thank you,
> Jennifer

In my previous reply I cut and paste the command lines from another file.
I have just noticed that one included a reference to one of our own tools
directories. This should, of course, be left out.


Jon Needes
EDS, Hook, UK

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