
SLM Survey Launch

1999-03-02 12:20:32
Subject: SLM Survey Launch
From: Rick Blum <rick_blum AT INS DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:20:32 -0800
You are invited to participate in International Network Services' (INS) latest web-based industry survey on Service Level Management (SLM). Completing the survey should take only 5-10 minutes of your time. All survey participants may enter a drawing for one of three $100 American Express Gift Certificates. To participate, click here: http://www.ins.com/surveys

This project will generate valuable comparative information that can help you and organizations like yours better understand and address SLM issues. The complete results will be freely available to all participants.

All responding individuals will remain confidential and will not be added to any marketing mailing list. The information provided in the survey will be combined with that of other respondents and reported in summary form only. The survey will run through March, and results will be available in early May.

Please visit the above web site to view the results of other network industry surveys conducted by INS, including its most recent report titled,
Network Prospects for the New Millennium.

Thank you for your time and support.

Rick Blum
Research Programs Manager
International Network Services
Burlington, MA 01803
PH: 617-376-2450 x320
FAX: 781-221-3554
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