
Re: enviornment variables set by the Action node

1999-01-05 16:50:40
Subject: Re: enviornment variables set by the Action node
From: Shane O'Donnell <shaneo AT OPS DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:50:40 -0500
Try $s.

The variables are all documented (and quite well) in the online help, or at
least they used to be...

Shane O.

At 02:52 PM 1/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Is there a list of the environment variable set by the action node.  I am
>particularly interested in accessing the severity the of an event from a
>script that is executed by an action node.
>The contents of this message represent the opinions of the employee and not
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Shane O'Donnell |                               Onion Peel Solutions
shaneo AT ops DOT com  | Purveyors of Layers of Network Management Software
Voice: 919/821-8004 x251          |               http://www.ops.com
Pager: 919/874-6358               |                Fax: 919/821-3364

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