
Re: nvaddtrapdconf failure

1998-10-22 16:25:48
Subject: Re: nvaddtrapdconf failure
From: "Houle, Stephen A" <sh32829 AT IMCNAM.SBI DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 16:25:48 -0400
Some vendors (Cisco) like to put long event descriptions all on one line in
trapd.conf and count on Netview to wrap the lines in the textbox in the
interface.  However, vaddtrapdconf uses awk for most of its work, and awk
can't handle lines larger than 99 words (each word being a field).  All you
need to do is edit your trapd.conf and any file you want to add to it, and
change long single line descriptions into multiple shorter lines.  Then
nvaddtrapdconf should work fine.

I don't know why Tivoli doesn't use perl for this kind of stuff.


Steve Houle
Enterprise Management
Salomon Smith Barney
ph: (212) 723-3369
mailto:stephen.a.houle AT ssmb DOT com

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Freeman, Woolwich plc [mailto:GBWBSJHS AT IBMMAIL DOT COM]
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 1998 6:29 AM
Subject: nvaddtrapdconf failure


Once again I am working on the thorny topic of adding definitions of
traps to my trapd.conf file.

I have received some details from Microsoft on how to create a list of NT
events that are being translated to traps and from these details I have been
able to create a series of files to add using the nvaddtrapdconf command.

Whilst this processing has been relatively successful I have a couple of
files that fail to merge. The message produced by the failures is as

   # nvaddtrapdconf MicrosoftDNS.traps

   awk: 0602-535 Line Microsoft Origin - $ cannot have more than 99 fields.
    The source line number is 57.
   ERROR: unable to merge files.

The source line number is always 57 but I am not sure if this relates to the
trap definition file or the nvaddtrapconf script.

I have browsed the nvaddtrapdconf script but I am unable to make any sense
it (I usually use REXX and do not understand AIX scripts).

Can anyone shed any light on what is occurring?
I don't think that the trap definition files are at fault as they are built
using the same REXX exec as those that are successfully merged.

Thanks for any assistance,

Ken Freeman   <gbwbsjhs AT ibmmail DOT com>
Woolwich plc

BTW - I am happy to provide the instructions we received from Microsoft if
      anyone else needs to create definition file(s) for NT traps.

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