
Re: ovactiond and trapd losing contact

1998-09-08 08:53:59
Subject: Re: ovactiond and trapd losing contact
From: Vladimir Petr <petr AT DATASYS DOT CZ>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:53:59 +0200
Hello, Doug;

Although I do not use NV 4.1, a good piece of information might come
from ovactiond.log.  You can have more info in the log with the -v
options. So, try to execute

ovstop ovactiond
ovdelobj ovactiond.lrf
ovaddobj ovactiond.lrf
ovstart ovactiond

Also, you did not tell us whether trapd is running or not. ovactiond
depends upon him and exits if trapd died.

Eventually, ovactiond has nothing to do with rulesets. Rulesets
actions (not inline) are executed by actionsvr and his children.


Kind regards,

Douglas Staub wrote:
> Hi all:
> I have been experiencing consistent problems with the ovactiond daemon
> losing contact with the trapd daemon.  Has anyone experienced the same
> problem?  We are using NetView 4.1 on AIX 4.2.1 and will be upgrading to
> 5.1 by end of year.  We also rely on the rulesets for processing many
> events.  Here is the output from doing an ovstatus for ovactiond:
>  object manager name: ovactiond
>  behavior:            OVs_WELL_BEHAVED
>  state:               NOT_RUNNING
>  PID:                 541382
>  last message:        ovactiond lost contact with trapd.
>  exit status:         exit(1)
> /usr/OV/bin/ovstart fixes it, but not permanently.  Any ideas??
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Doug Staub
> Key Services Corporation
> (216) 689-0632

Vladimir Petr

Datasys, s.r.o.
mail: petr AT datasys DOT cz
If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly.

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