
Re: NetView forwarding to multiple TEC servers

1998-07-29 12:03:31
Subject: Re: NetView forwarding to multiple TEC servers
From: James_Shanks AT TIVOLI DOT COM
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:03:31 -0400
Event forwarding to two TECs simultaneously?
According to what I read, TEC does not support this.  What it supports is a
primary and any number of backups, which the adapter is supposed to try in
sequence when the primary fails.  As soon as it finds one that responds,
then that is the new primary.  It is supposed to switch back when the
primary becomes available again. You won't find any doc in TEC about
sending to two at the same time -- at least I haven't.

But you MIGHT make this work by using two adapters, since they would be
ignorant of each other, and as luck would have it, there are two available
for NetView.  There is the internal one in nvserverd and there is the
external one shipped with TEC, tecad_nv6k.  They use totally different
files for configuration, so you should be able to get one to send to one
NetView and the other to another. But, I hasten to add, I have not tried

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

Ken Guettler <Ken.Guettler AT MARYVILLE DOT COM> on 07/29/98 11:42:44 AM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
      NetView et alia <NV-L AT UCSBVM.UCSB DOT EDU>

cc:    (bcc: James Shanks)
Subject:  NetView forwarding to multiple TEC servers

I have an environment with where NetView is forwarding some events to a
TEC server for display and correlation processing.  The environment also
has a backup TEC server.   We would like to send the events to both TEC
servers at the same time but have not been able to find a way to do
this.  Development has indicated this should be possible with the
tecint.conf file but this did not work.  Has anyone found a workaround
for this.  If not, any good suggestions on how to determine when the
primary TEC goes away and automatically switch to the backup TEC server
from NetView?

Just to complicate matters we also have a backup NetView Server which we
would like to get into the mix eventually.

Thanks for any suggestions or comments.


Maryville Data Systems of Illinois
One Pierce Place   Suite 475W
Itasca,  IL  60143
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