
Data collection problem...

1998-07-29 11:23:39
Subject: Data collection problem...
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 18:23:39 +0300
Hi all,
We are using Netview V5-AIX on AIX4.3.
When I setup a data collection to get line utilization on a router, I use
the following expression in the file  mibExpr.conf .

BandwidthUtilHdx \
"8*100*(ifInOctets+ifOutOctets) / ifSpeed" \
     .  \
     . +\
     . / \
     800 *

In the MIB data collection / Add collection to BandwidthUtilHdx window,
I add the IP address of the router to list of collection sources.
I choose the collection mode= Store, No thresholds,
                         polling interval   = 1m,
                         Instances             = All

After I pressed the OK button, I see that In the MIB Object Collection
Summary section,

  Interval =1m   ,     Store=yes,     Threshold= -         Source= Ip
address of the router Instances= All
 Source :   IP address of the router ,

After that I press Apply button. Now, I see the status of BandwidthUtilHdx
is collecting.

Waiting for about 30 min. for data collection, I press the Show Data button
 to see the collected data.
 An empty  MIB data collection/Show data window appears.  In this
situation, there is no response from the Show Data screen.
I only get rid of this window  by killing its process.

Is there anybody who knows/experiences this problem?

Note :  The ethernet segment and the router is very low loaded, and
snmpCollect deamon is running and well-behaved.

Best Regards
Ibrahim Aykol
Polaris Computer Systems & Consultancy Ltd.

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