
Netview growing Objects Database

1998-07-20 22:30:18
Subject: Netview growing Objects Database
From: Leslie Clark <lclark AT US.IBM DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:30:18 -0400
I've just reviewed the documents from a training session I attended on V5, and
it does not
appear to me that you can prevent the discovery of nodes based on the absence
of SNMP.
Somebody will correct me if I am wrong. You can, however, exclude address
ranges, so if
you have a convention for addressing low-priority devices like workstations,
you can now
exclude them more easily than you could before.  You can also cause non-snmp
to be discovered as unmanaged, which you probably know, with an entry in
That will help with cpu and network traffic, but will not reduce the object
count, of course.
Exclusion by range can be done with V4, it is just a lot easier
(!xxx.xx-xx.*.*) in V5.

Now for some unsolicited advice. What you have is NOT a network management
but an organizational problem. I see this with some customers, from time to
time. In fact I
expect you will see a flaming notice from James S. any minute now.  The people
implement the network, the people who administer the addresses, and the people
administer the management tools must all work together.  Here's how it works

1) The network guys apply for an address from the address administrator.
2) The address administrator assigns a name to go with that device (DNS, etc.)
3) The network guys configure the device, including the SNMP fields for
location & contact,
and trap destination (the Network Management Station)
4) Some sort of change control notice is sent to the administrator of the
Network Management
Station to tell them about a new device that needs managing (or it does not get
5) The administrator of the NMS adds the device to the seedfile, or ensures
that the ranges
in the seedfile will allow the device to be discovered, and then discovers it.

If the implementation team does not report new and changed addresses, their
devices don't
get managed. Make it a rule. Get buy-in from management.

You can tell that I am a strong proponent of seedfiles, especially restrictive
seedfiles. It is the
only way to keep garbage out of the database and maximize performance. And I
have done
more than a few of these things. Tiny networks can get away with
runaway-discovery. Yours
is of a respectable size, and should be controlled. Hope this helps.


Leslie Clark
IBM Global Services - Network & Systems Management - Detroit

>I've got one NV 4.1 on AIX  monitoring a wide multi-site network with 15,
>000 IP adresses, and only 1500 SNMP devices to manage. Undesirables objects
>consuming CPU, RAM, Disk ressources and corrupt performances so i need to
>reduce the Objects Database. Seedfile seems not to be the way, while IP
>adresses of SNMP devices can change (two differents teams to install /
>manage the entire Network).
>Is it possible to limit Netview Object Database to only SNMP devices ?
>I was told that with NV 5.1 discovery can be defined based on SNMP sysOID,
>like, is this right, and could
>this improvement solve my problem ?

>Thanks for your help

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