
Re: NetView Machine Hung after installin

1998-07-17 05:11:00
Subject: Re: NetView Machine Hung after installin
From: Uwe Richter <Uwe.Richter AT SYNTHESIS DOT DE>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 11:11:00 +0200
Original Subject:
RE: NetView Machine Hung after installing Ci

Ciscoworks 3.0.3 has a bug in Installation.
The startup from that is in /etc/rc, but at this time is the tcpip-
Subsystem not activ.
You delete Cisco-Startup in /etc/rc and then start the Ciscoworks about

Uwe Richter

>===== Original Message From rozi-ai abd-rahman <SMTP:NV-L AT UCSBVM.UCSB DOT 
>Original Subject:
>NetView Machine Hung after installing CiscoWorks 3.0.3
>Hi Forum readers, I finally managed to install NV 4 on 41T. My box has
>128 MB 3GB AIX 4.1.5 with june 98 fixes. My NetView is 4.1.1 with
>U451880 installed. My NetView works fine and Installation of CiscoWorks
>3.0.3 looks ok. After CiscoWorks installation I managed to run commands
>like CiscoView (on cisco hw)..and a few other commands.
>However when I reboot my Machine, My machine hang and the following
>error messages displayed
>strload:cannot initialize stddev: Do not specify existing file
>strload:spx already loaded
>strload:sc already loaded
>ERROR : Unable to load poartable Stream Environment,Please check the
>/usr/sbin/strload program. This utility is required fo rth Sybase
>SERVER cw_SYBASE successfully started on nms
>starting the application "nmpolld"
>"nmpolld" successfully started on nms
>starting the application nmlogd
>nmlogd successfully started on nms
>all administrative ....successfully started on nms
>I also configured  CiscoWorks product and Sybase for Ciscoworks. I did
>not configure TACACS server and CiscoConnect since they are optional and
>my installtion failed when I installed that. (reistall fresh all after
>When my mahine hang it seems like none of the NetView processors/demons
>started yet.It seems like cisco's processors are started before anything
>else. I am not sure what is happenning.
>Has anybody get this Error before. I will also be installing Transcend
>Enterprise Manager on this same machine..Is there anything that I need
>to know.
>Thanks for your kind  help
>ai AT mesiniaga.com DOT my, roziai AT hotmail DOT com
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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