
Re: Have you heard something about Compuware? Ecotools?

1998-07-16 08:44:41
Subject: Re: Have you heard something about Compuware? Ecotools?
From: Orson_Chin_Cheong/Systems/Central/SunLife AT SUNLIFEOFCANADA DOT COM
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 08:44:41 -0400
Yes I have, see their web site at WWW.COMPUWARE.COM.  It is basically a
suite of tools that look at Network traffic by application, protocols, etc.
The TOOLS suite is geared more to databases for application transactions
and SQL monitoring needs.  Hope this helps.


Enio Padilla <epadilla AT CO.IBM DOT COM> on 07/15/98 06:08:47 PM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
      NetView et alia <NV-L AT UCSBVM.ucsb DOT edu>

To:   NV-L AT UCSBVM.ucsb DOT edu
cc:    (bcc: NV_Admin)
Subject:  Have you heard something about Compuware? Ecotools?

To:   nv-l AT ucsbvm.ucsb DOT edu

From: Enio J Padilla/Colombia/IBM @ IBMCO

Hi folks,

Have you heard something about an enterprise named Compuware which
distributes a product named Ecotools or Ecosystems?

Do you know what these products are for?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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