
NV v5.0(NT) Performance Reporting

1998-07-06 08:36:10
Subject: NV v5.0(NT) Performance Reporting
From: Ernest Napier <napes AT IBM DOT NET>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 08:36:10 -0400
Hi all,

I am interested in opinions on Netview 5.0 data collection and reporting
cababilities.  I'm interested in being able to do capacity planning for
80+ subnets and I was wondering if Netview got what it takes, or should
I invest in some other products?

BTW, if anyone has any comments on running Netview on NT as opposed to
Unix, I'm also interested in that.  We're going with NT now because of
lower hardware costs, but is it going to bite us in the future?



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