
GnuPlot as report tools

1998-07-03 14:37:44
Subject: GnuPlot as report tools
From: Neil Núñez <nnunez AT ESPOL.EDU DOT EC>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 13:37:44 -0500
I'm trying to use the gnuplot to graph the info that snmpcollector get, but
I can do to the gnuplot to graph well.

I know that this is not group topic but if anyone could help to graph with
gnuplot. I format the data as gnuplot required but
not accept time format.

Please send me a demo or example of how to do this.

Thanks in advanced.

Neil Nu~ez
Network Assistant
ESPOL - Guayaquil (Ecuador)
nnunez AT espol.edu DOT ec

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