
Y2K and AIX

1998-07-01 21:55:02
Subject: Y2K and AIX
From: Vynita Pretorius <vpretor AT FAST.CO DOT ZA>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 20:55:02 -0500
-- [ From: Vynita Pretorius * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


I am sorry to bring this subject again but since I last checked it seems
that IBM have changed the Goal posts.

I was told the AIX 4.1.5 was y2k compliant now I have been told 4.3.1 is the
only one compliant. Is this correct ?

James mentioned that NV5.1 and Aix4.3.1 has problems with X11 .
So this is definitely not the route to take.

Please could you assist me.

Vynita P

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