
Re: [Veritas-bu] "Stuck Media"

2009-03-31 14:30:05
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] "Stuck Media"
From: "Preston, Doug" <dpreston AT LANDAM DOT com>
To: "Martin, Jonathan" <JMARTI05 AT intersil DOT com>, <veritas-bu AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 14:26:42 -0400

Try /installpath/bin/nbrbutil -dump |grep DRIVENAME

Sample output

         index=21 (Allocation: id={28DB0844-9CEA-48E9-9538-510295BABB8B} provide

r=ReservationGroupProvider resourcename=L00955 masterserver=svcacibu1 groupid={0

553EE0D-7C8C-4A97-92C8-6C2A6A95ECE8} userSequence=0 userid="jobid=712595" (Media

_Drive_Allocation_Record: allocationKey=1773349 (Media_Drive_Record: MediaKey=40

01547 MediaId=L00955 MediaServer=SCACIBU01 DriveKey=2001391 DriveName=IBMULTRIUM

-TD25 PrimaryPath={2,0,5,1} PoolName=IncrementalDupe RobotNum=0 RobotType=8 Medi

aTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 DriveTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 NdmpControlHost= Reten

tionLevel=0 PolicyType=2 JobType=10 MasterServer=svcacibu1) (Storage_Unit_Record

: STU= STUType=0 MasterServer= MediaServer= RobotType=0 RobotNumber=0 Density=0

_OnDemandOnly_=0 ConcurrentJobs=0 ActiveJobs=0 MaxMultiplexing=0 NdmpAttachHost= A

bsolutePath=) (Bptm_Strings_Record: 0="MEDIADB 1 1773349 L00955 4001547 ------ 1

4 1237089720 1238131105 1240809505 1238522706 387687052 214 214 3 15 0 552 1024

0 5163755 0" 1="VOLUME 1 L00955 4001547 L00955 IncrementalDupe FUJIFILM 06OC4059

88 14 8 0 423 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0" 2="DRIVE 3 IBMULTRIUM-

TD25 2001391 F00154B019 {2,0,5,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *

NULL* 1 144 0 1 0 0" 3="STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCACIBU01 SCACIBU01 *NULL*"

 4="DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL*" 5="DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0"

 6="DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL*" ) TpReqFileName=))

        MdsAllocation allocationKey=1773349 jobType=10 mediaKey=4001547 mediaId=

L00955 driveKey=2001391 driveName=IBMULTRIUM-TD25 drivePath={2,0,5,1} stuName= m

asterServerName=svcacibu1 mediaServerName=SCACIBU01 ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolu

meKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=1 serverStateFlags=1



nbrbutil -release 28DB0844-9CEA-48E9-9538-510295BABB8B

nbrbutil –releasemds 1773349


Doug Preston


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From: veritas-bu-bounces AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu [mailto:veritas-bu-bounces AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu] On Behalf Of Martin, Jonathan
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:50 AM
To: veritas-bu AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] "Stuck Media"


I've been phase I and phase II importing media for a few days now and every now and then one gets stuck.  The robot mounts the media, for not good reason the media just sits there / does not get read.  I can robtest and move this media back into its slot, but the EMM thinks the drive is still assigned.  Anyone know the command to get this drive active again?  I don't really think there is a command I can use to tell the job "hey you, wake up, the media is mounted!"


The root cause is probably robot related but its so intermittent I haven't been successful in tracking it down.





Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu