
[Veritas-bu] Disk storage staging unit groups, anyone?

2005-04-14 21:42:04
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Disk storage staging unit groups, anyone?
From: rob AT worman DOT org (Rob Worman (home))
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:42:04 -0500

The features you're looking for (having DSSU's in a storage unit group 
get prioritized for selection based on how full they happen to be) is 
definitely not in the current NetBackup product.  Disk storage units in 
a stunit group will get chosen in the order they were specified in the 
group, with the sole exception being a preference for a storage unit 
that is locally attached to the client being backed up.

Rumor is that the Veritas engineers are focusing A LOT on polishing the 
whole disk-storage-unit side of the product in upcoming NetBackup 
releases.   Not sure if the exact feature you're wishing for is on the 
drawing board or not, though.  (and it certainly doesn't hurt to ask 
for it here, ask for it from your sales rep, surf to and ask for it there, etc etc  :-))


On Apr 14, 2005, at 6:54 PM, Tim Berger wrote:

> We're on nbu 5.1 MP2.
> I am curious about the behavior of disk storage staging unit groups
> with respect to when a storage unit is chosen and when staging space
> is freed up.
> I am interested in setting up a staging group consisting of several
> disk staging storage units, but I don't want space freed up if there
> is still space free on storage units in the group.
> Humm.  Is anyone out there doing this?
> I suspect that I'm out of luck.  The docs state that the "first
> available" storage unit is selected, which probably means that a full
> but inactive disk staging storage unit will be chosen.
> I suppose an alternative to this would be making really big staging
> storage units with lvm or some such; or take more care when assigning
> clients to policies and policies to staging storage units.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> -Tim
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