
Re: [Networker] Determining when a clone job finishes writing to tape?

2012-11-18 13:16:37
Subject: Re: [Networker] Determining when a clone job finishes writing to tape?
From: Yaron Zabary <yaron AT ARISTO.TAU.AC DOT IL>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 20:10:31 +0200
I would be extremely cautious not to assume that if on November 2012, your clone takes two hours, that will be the case for even January 2013. I have had a similar setup, where I assumed that our ERP backup was done by midnight, just to find out a few years later that the job only finishes at 5AM and I was making useless backups. I really suggest that you will make sure that the job is done before you restart the machine. If you know the pid of the clone process, use similar script to that, to monitor and act for job completion:


export SHELL
while ps -p $1 > /dev/null
  sleep 60
echo $1 done. reboot now

On 11/16/2012 07:01 PM, Michael Leone wrote:
Are you really interested in the time?

I really am. :-) As I said, I need to restart the client that the clone is
coming from. If I restart the machine while the cloning to tape is still
going on, then I get an incomplete saveset on tape. So if I can tell when
the job (usually) finishes, I can schedule the restart time for a period
after it ends. If I don't know when the cloning ends, I have to change the
job to *not* clone at all, but only write to disk. Then restart the
client, after the write to disk is done. Then manually clone. Then go and
change the job back to it's original parameters.

That's a lot more steps I have to do, rather than just (perhaps) being
able to wait until the job is done cloning to tape.

Maybe it is just fine to check whether the job has successfully
finished? -

As I say, the mminfo query reporting on "sscomp" is not giving the finish
time of cloning to tape, only the finish time of writing to disk. I have
verified this.

If this is enough you should run a mminfo job where you report the
number of 'copies'.

That won't tell me when the job usually finishes, so I can use that to
schedule restarts.


-- Yaron.