
[Networker] All Windows Environment?

2011-11-29 10:36:36
Subject: [Networker] All Windows Environment?
From: Eddie Albert <Eddie.Albert AT CITIZENSFLA DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:36:05 -0500
Anyone else on the list in a 100% Windows environment? I would like to
discuss "Cannot save Registry key SOFTWARE: 0x000003f8" error and
solutions. What did you do to fix it long term? I do not want to simply
"temp fix" it by rebooting the host. Although that is a required step to
remove the temp registry entries.


This is absolutely a Windows OS issue, I have not found a permanent
hotfix, hoping someone out there has. I did read this Microsoft article:


This problem occurs because temporary registry entries that contain
printer information are not deleted when a user logs off. These
undeleted registry entries accumulate until the default registry hive
file exceeds the registry size limit. On a terminal server, redirected
printers are installed when a user logs on. The SetPrinter function
stores detailed information about the printer in the buffer. When the
user logs off, the printer is uninstalled and the corresponding registry
values that contain printer information are deleted.

To support backward compatibility, the naming conventions for the
registry values that store printer information for the currently logged
on users are different when the SetPrinter function is set to level 2.
For example, when a user manually configures printer settings, the
registry values that are stored under the 



registry subkey are similar to the following: 

%ClientName%\%PrinterName% (from %ClientName%) in session SessionName

The registry value that is created by using the earlier naming
convention is similar to the following: 

\\%ClientName%\%PrinterName% (from %ClientName%) in session


When the SetPrinter function is set to level 2, the registry entries
that contain printer information appear to be automatically created.
Because the removal process only looks for and deletes registry values
that are manually created, these temporary registry entries are not
deleted when a user logs off.


Please hold comments about Win vs Unix, I didn't buy the car, I am only
the mechanic. /grin


Any thoughts or suggestions?  Thanks in advance for your time and


Semper fidelis et paratus, /ALE

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