
Re: [Networker] v7.3.4 server w/v7.6.x client?

2011-06-29 08:40:33
Subject: Re: [Networker] v7.3.4 server w/v7.6.x client?
From: Michael Leone <Michael.Leone AT PHA.PHILA DOT GOV>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 08:39:42 -0400
> Anyone using Windows 2008 7.6.x client on a v7.3.4 backup server? Yes I
> know, no longer supported, yes I know VSS must be on, yes I know IPv6...
> this doesn't stop the need. Anyone... comments?

Not with these specific versions, but I am about to try to install 7.6.2 
client against a 7.5.2 server. Yes, I am planning on upgrading the server 
and all the storage nodes, but that won't happen for at least a couple 
more weeks (holiday this weekend in the US, and next weekend we already 
have a major SQL server upgrade *and* VMware patching planned. I do not 
want to be throwing more moving parts into the mix that weekend) ...

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