
Re: [Networker] Speeding up a clone job

2011-02-03 13:27:16
Subject: Re: [Networker] Speeding up a clone job
From: Michael Leone <Michael.Leone AT PHA.PHILA DOT GOV>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 13:24:59 -0500
> What type of SAN is in use? 

HP EVA 8000.

> Are there capabilities that can create a snapshot of the
> database volumes? 

No. No space for snapshots.

> You could also have the DBA's create maintenance  plans to write out
> .bak files and then you back those up cold using the standard 
> Networker client. 

They do, and I could. That is probably what I will do. But I'd like to be 
able to continue using the SQL Agent for a hot backup, if I could.

> If there is space, 

There is not. :-(

> they could make multiple copies and you would then have 
> the opportunity to back
> them up and ease the backup time window constraint.

So no settings to speed up the job as it currently exists?

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