
[Networker] Changing Recoverable to Browsable without "re"cloning?

2008-10-15 13:26:36
Subject: [Networker] Changing Recoverable to Browsable without "re"cloning?
From: "Warden, Kim" <kwarden AT MPR DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 13:21:46 -0400

Need to use nwrecover to restore a file from a saveset that is marked
"recoverable".  Yes, I could do with scanner or recover, but have not
the time to learn how to use those commands to recover just one file.
We, of course, need to do this restore ASAP.  I've found documentation
(that I hope is right!) that says cloning a save set will reset/reread
its info into the media dB and mark the save set as "browsable".  This,
however will take awhile as the save set spans 4 LTO3 tapes - at least
it will on our tape library.

Anyone know how to change the status of a save set from recoverable to
browsable without having to clone the save set?

Many thanks!

Kim Warden
MPR Associates, Inc
320 King St
Alexandria, VA  22314
Ph:        703-519-0200
Fax:       703-519-0224
Direct:    703-519-0544

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