
Re: [Networker] Query in Staging from adv_file

2008-08-20 18:43:14
Subject: Re: [Networker] Query in Staging from adv_file
From: Tim Mooney <Tim.Mooney AT NDSU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 17:37:06 -0500
In regard to: RE: [Networker] Query in Staging from adv_file, Curtis...:

Tim Mooney said:
I would say let them do it somewhere else.  Take it to a "general
enterprise backup list".  Let the religious wars and unsubstantiated
opinions flourish there.

If only there was a site dedicated completely to backup, where there was
a forum _and_ mailing list dedicated to general backup discussions....
It would be, like, a CENTRAL place to discuss backup issues, regardless
of product...  Hmmmm....  You might be on to something.

<Different, announcer-like voice in really fast, disclaimer tone>:
"This message brought to you by"

I'm not certain I'm correctly interpreting how serious you are in your
response, but here's my take.  Hopefully it's in line with yours and I'm
not completely misunderstanding you.

Curtis has put a lot of effort into making a site that's a one stop shop
for enterprise backup.  That includes hosting things that are specific
to certain products, but there are also areas that are more
generally-focused, where general feature-comparison discussions about
the various enterprise backup packages are welcome.

He and other EDP consultants that frequent the NetWorker mailing list
are also very knowledgeable when it comes to comparing several of the
leading enterprise backup products.  I personally think they add a lot
of value to the list, and I also think their comments in the area of
"NetWorker has this feature, but product X does it a little better" are
also useful, as long as it doesn't start a long, drawn-out discussion
about how some other product works.

I also think that questions like "I'm new to NetWorker and I'm coming
from a Netbackup background, and I'm trying to figure out how to
accomplish task Y in NetWorker, that was done like this in Netbackup..."
are completely on topic for the NetWorker mailing list.

I (as one, lone subscriber that's probably in the minority here) don't
think that long discussions of feature comparisons of the various backup
products that invariably devolve into religious wars are appropriate for
the NetWorker mailing list.  I also don't think helping people figure
out what the right backup product is for their environment is an
appropriate topic for this list.  IMHO, that discussion should be held

I think there's enough fodder to keep this list plenty active (and very
useful to people that are focused on NetWorker, and having technical
issues with it) without broadening the scope to include NetWorker as
it relates to the rest of the world.

I'm just a subscriber with an opinion, though, and you know what
opinions are like.  ;-)  Ultimately, it's up to Temple and Stan to
determine how broad the scope is for the list.

Tim Mooney                                             Tim.Mooney AT ndsu DOT 
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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