
[Networker] Summaary: [Networker] Any Solaris 9 gurus?

2007-05-16 17:13:58
Subject: [Networker] Summaary: [Networker] Any Solaris 9 gurus?
From: Stan Horwitz <stan AT TEMPLE DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 17:09:41 -0400
On May 16, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Marcelo H. Bartsch wrote:

mmh Stan, asuming Vlan 160 on CE3 , you should use

ce160003 and not 1600000

Logical PPA = 1000 * VlanID + DeviceNumber
Logical PPA = 1000 * 160 + 3
Logical PPA = 160003

(i assume vlanid = 160)

You're right. I was using the same method I use on my other Solaris box, but that uses zero as its device number, so I was off by three.

I also had to install patch 112233-12 in order to partake of tagged VLAN support on Solaris 9.

It seems to be working okay now.

Thanks for you help and to everyone else who offered advise.

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