
Re: [Networker] Unloading drives that are not loaded

2006-01-27 14:42:11
Subject: Re: [Networker] Unloading drives that are not loaded
From: "Thomas, Adam (NIH/NIMH) [E]" <adamt AT NIH DOT GOV>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 14:13:11 -0500
Thanks to everyone who responded. All of your responses were very
helpful. The -E argument seems to do the trick for our setup. I just
nsrjb -HE
nsrjb -I

The -E seems to avoid the long timeouts on trying eject tapes that
aren't there.

Several people were wondering why I would do such a thing as remove
tapes behind Networker's back. Typically its because I'm no longer
certain what Networker thinks is in the drive. For example, the other
day the scsi bus dumped its state while Networker was trying to eject a
tape. I had to reboot the library and server. When Networker came back
up, nwadmin reported that it thought there were no tapes were in the
drives. So I made sure there wasn't. But Networker still tried to eject
the tapes it was reporting were not there. So this is why I wanted a
command to restore Networker to a known state.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Verbois [mailto:Tim.Verbois AT ET.VLAANDEREN DOT BE] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Networker] Unloading drives that are not loaded

Hello Adam,

we had the same problem with our Scalar 1000.  Now, it's out of
production, but, we were using the Networker version from FSC and there
you have the option:

     -y   This option is used in conjunction with  the  -f  media
          device  option,  to correct the jukebox resource. If no
          tag is  specified,  the  attributes  'loaded  volumes',
          'loaded  barcodes' and 'loaded slots' are set to "" for
          the specified device.  If a tag is  specified,  'loaded
          volumes' and 'loaded barcodes' for the specified device
          are set to tag, 'loaded slots' is set to  the  position
          of  tag  in the attribute 'STL barcodes'.   The command
          is usefull, if the jukebox resource  does  not  reflect
          the  reality,  eg  the device is not loaded but 'loaded
          volumes' etc. are filled or vice versa.

to nsrjb.  So you can use:

# nsrjb -y -f /dev/rmt/1ubn


# nsrjb -y -f /dev/rmt/1ubn M04385

if you want to correct the drive status to that tape.  This option was
very important for us sometimes, before that, we had to shut down
networker, and manually adjust the tape drive settings in de nsrdb and
nsr.res files. 

Maybe there is something simular on other systems?


Thomas, Adam (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:

>My networker install seems to get confused about whether there is a
>in the drive.
>My situation, which I've experienced many times before, is that for one
>reason or another I've had to force a shutdown of the networker daemon.
>Then I manually empty the drives and restart the daemon. When it comes
>back up, nwadmin doesn't show any tapes in the drives. However if I run
>"nsrjb -H" or "nsrjb -I", networker tries to unload one or more of the
>drives. This fails since there is no tape in the drive, but I have to
>sit through 10 minutes or so of:
>media info: unload retry for jukebox 'tls5433' failed - will retry
>media info: unload retry for jukebox 'tls5433' sleeping 30 seconds"
>Is there anyway I can avoid this? Or at least is there a way I can
>decrease the number of times it retries unloading a tape that is not
>This is Networker 7.2 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 server. The library
>is a scsi-atached qualstar TLS5433 with 2 SAIT tape drives.
>-Adam Thomas
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Tim Verbois
Unix Team

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