
Re: [Networker] Leftover NSR mount request resources

2005-10-04 12:44:11
Subject: Re: [Networker] Leftover NSR mount request resources
From: Dave Mussulman <mussulma AT CS.UIUC DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 11:43:24 -0500
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 09:33:51AM -0700, Darren Dunham wrote:
> No, I don't think there should normally be such resources there at all
> (hence my question and possible problem).  I have a whole bunch on my
> servers all the time.  I read it as something that should be created and
> destroyed every time a tape mount occurs.
> Your message confirms that it's not a universal problem, so I might have
> something more serious going on.  I'll probably try to open a case on it
> if I get some time, but I'd appreciate hearing from anyone that does
> have several of them hanging around or knows anything else about this.
> This one had all the daemons restarted just a few days ago, but some of
> the resources appear to predate that time.
> $ printf "print type:nsr mount request\n" |/usr/sbin/nsradmin -i - | grep -c 
> "mount request" 
> 86

I only have two currently on my server, but they're both certainly
"stale."  They're both using media that hasn't been used for at least 6


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